Common errors & status

You will find hereafter most common errors and status you can see in the Progress Window or the Result Window.







Trying to contact the remote computer.

Failed to connect

Unable to resolve the name.

The Target Computer doesn't exist or there is a name resolution problem.

Failed to connect

No answer to the ping.

The Target Computer is off.
The ICMP v4 (Ping) is blocked by a Firewall.

Failed to connect

Unable to contact this computer with Windows protocols.

The Microsoft File and Printer Sharing is not enabled on the Target Computer.

Failed to connect

The access is denied.

The account is not administrator of the Target Computer.

Failed to connect

Unable to access the registry.

The Remote registry service is disabled.

Failed to connect

Step: GenericConnect Error Code 2114
Error description: The Server service is stopped.

The Server service is stopped.

Failed to connect

Not enough workstation licenses.

You are trying to use RemoteExec on more computers than your license allows you to do. Please contact the Sales department for licenses addition.



You are executing the first Remote Job on this computer.
prepares it to run Actions remotely.

Failed to prepare

Step: LauncherDeploy Error code: 67
Error description: The network name cannot be found.

Administrative shares are disabled on the Target Computer.
Enable them again with the following registry key:

The two following values (REG_DWORD) should be set to 1:

AutoShareWks, AutoShareServer
(Need a reboot to validate the changes)



Copying the executable and the Working folder on the remote computer.

Failed to copy

Could not find file 'Path\File'.

The path of the file to execute/to copy entered is not valid.

Failed to copy

Access to the path "\\Target_Computer\Path" is denied.

The account has not the write privilege on the target folder. An Antivirus/Firewall blocked the write action to the administrative share.



Initializing the remote computer before executing the Action.

Failed to initialize

Unable to logon the user! Error code 0x52E

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

The user name or the password used to execute the operation is not correct. It occurs generally when you don't enter the password for the Full administrative context.



Trying to start the executable.

Failed to start

No logged on user.

You tried to start an execution in Interactive mode on a computer without logged on user. The Interactive context is designed to display an interactive program to the logged on user.



Executing the Action.



The user has aborted the remote execution before the Action could be started on this computer.



The Action has been executed.