Temporary protected account allowing to define temporary rules for an account from a start date to an end date.
override bool | IsTemporary [get] |
| True if this is a temporary protected user. False otherwise.
override string | Identifier [get] |
| Get the identifier of the protected account.
virtual bool | IsTemporary [get] |
| True if this is a temporary protected user. False otherwise.
virtual string | Identifier [get] |
| Get the identifier of the protected account.
virtual bool | IsLockedByUserlock [get, set] |
| True if the user account is locked. False otherwise. Overridden in the ProtectedAccountEffective class.
virtual string | LockedByUserlockMsg [get, set] |
| Message displayed to the user when his account is locked by Userlock.
Trilean | MfaEnabled [get, set] |
| If the MFA is enabled for this Protected Account.
int | MfaWorkstationCacheDuration [get, set] |
| The cache for workstation MFA unlocking in days.
int | MfaServerCacheDuration [get, set] |
| The cache for server MFA unlocking in days.
Trilean | MfaWorkstationExtendCacheDuration [get, set] |
| If the cache duration for MFA on workstation should be extended when a logon is done. If not configured, default to extend.
Trilean | MfaServerExtendCacheDuration [get, set] |
| If the cache duration for MFA on workstation should be extended when a logon is done. If not configured, default to not extend.
Trilean | MfaSkipEnabled [get, set] |
| IF the Skip for MFA configuration is enabled. If so, the end duration is.
DateTime | MfaSkipEnd [get, set] |
| The end date for MFA configuration skip. No effect if.
Trilean | MfaServerOnlyTerminal [get, set] |
| If the MFA only applies to terminal/RDP sessions on server. If not configured, default to Disabled (aka all sessions). Obsolete since 10.1.
Trilean | MfaWorkstationOnlyTerminal [get, set] |
| If the MFA only applies to terminal/RDP sessions on workstations. If not configured, default to Disabled (aka all sessions). Obsolete since 10.1.
MfaConnectionTypes | MfaServerConnectionTypes [get, set] |
| Speficy on which types of connections the MFA applies. If not configured, default to Any (aka all sessions).
MfaConnectionTypes | MfaWorkstationConnectionTypes [get, set] |
| Speficy on which types of connections the MFA applies. If not configured, default to Any (aka all sessions).
MfaRestrictionParams | MFAServerRestrictionParams [get, set] |
| Parameters for the MFA that applies to server sessions.
MfaRestrictionParams | MFAWorkstationRestrictionParams [get, set] |
| Parameters for the MFA that applies to workstation sessions.
MfaRestrictionParams | MFAIISRestrictionParams [get, set] |
| Parameters for the MFA that applies to IIS sessions.
MfaRestrictionParams | MfaVPNRestrictionParams [get, set] |
| Parameters for the MFA that applies to VPN sessions.
MfaRestrictionParams | MfaSaasRestrictionParams [get, set] |
| Parameters for the MFA that applies to SaaS events.
MfaRestrictionParams | MfaUacRestrictionParams [get, set] |
| Parameters for the MFA that applies to Uac events.
Trilean | GeolocationEnabled [get, set] |
| If the geolocalisation is enabled.
bool | IsAnyConfigured [get] |
| Get if any restriction kind is configured.
String | AccountName [get, set] |
| Windows account name of the protected user/group. Distinguished name for protected OUs.
String | DisplayAccountName [get] |
| Display name for the protected account.
string | FullAccountName [get] |
| Full account name of the protected account (DomainName\AccountName)
string | Sid [get] |
| SID of the protected user/group.
String | FullName [get] |
| Display name of the protected account.
String | CanonicalName [get] |
| Canonical name of the object in the Active Directory.
bool | IsUser [get] |
| True if this is a protected user. False otherwise.
ProtectedAccountType | Type [get, set] |
| Type of the protected account. See the enum ProtectedAccountType.
string | TextType [get] |
| Type of the protected account in text.
Trilean | SessionLimitPolicyEnabled [get, set] |
| Get/set if the session limit policy should be set for the user or for members of the protected group/OU.
int | NbConcurrentLogins [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent interactive sessions (workstation sessions and terminal sessions). I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
int | NbConcurrentWorkstations [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent workstation sessions. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
int | NbConcurrentTerminals [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent terminal sessions. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
int | RasNbConcurrent [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent Wi-Fi / VPN sessions. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
int | IisNbConcurrentMax [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent IIS sessions. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
Trilean | AllowSaaSSessions [get, set] |
| Allow or deny SaaS logins.
CustomSessionLimits | CustomSessionLimits [get, set] |
| List of concurrent session limits for different kind of sessions. I_UNLIMITED if unlimited, I_NOTCONFIGURED is denied because it does not make sense to not configure a custom session limit.
Trilean | InitialAccessPointPolicyEnabled [get, set] |
| Get/set if the initial access point policy should be set for the user or for members of the protected group/OU.
int | NbConcurrentInitialAccessPoints [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent initial access points. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
Trilean | OnlyOneActiveSession [get, set] |
| Get/set if UserLock must leave only one active session (interactive), in case of users who has more than one limited session.
bool | DisplayWelcomeMessage [get, set] |
Trilean | DisplayWelcomeMessageNew [get, set] |
| Get/set if the welcome message should be set for the user or for members of the protected group/OU.
bool | AllowClosePrevious [get, set] |
Trilean | AllowClosePreviousNew [get, set] |
| Get/set if the user is allowed to close previous sessions when the new session is not allowed.
Trilean | NotificationPolicyEnabled [get, set] |
| Get/set if the notification policy should be set for the user or for members of the protected group/OU.
String | PopupRecipient [get, set] |
| Computer that will receive popup notifications when the user open/close a session of when UserLock deny a logon.
bool | PopupLoginNotification [get, set] |
bool | PopupLogoffNotification [get, set] |
bool | FailedPopupLoginNotification [get, set] |
Trilean | EnabledPopupNotifs [get, set] |
| Get/set if popup notifications are enabled or not.
Notifications | PopupNotifications [get, set] |
| List of all popup notifications that should be sent.
String | EmailRecipient [get, set] |
| E-mail recipients for E-mail notifications.
bool | EmailLoginNotification [get, set] |
bool | EmailLogoffNotification [get, set] |
bool | FailedEmailLoginNotification [get, set] |
Trilean | EnabledEmailNotifs [get, set] |
| Get/set if email notifications are enabled or not.
Notifications | EmailNotifications [get, set] |
| List of all email notifications that should be sent.
Trilean | EnabledSameCredNotifs [get, set] |
| Get/set if same credential notifications are enabled or not.
Notifications | SameCredNotifs [get, set] |
| List of all same credential notifications that should be enforced.
Trilean | WksRestrictionPolicyEnabled [get, set] |
| Get/set if the initial access point policy should be set for the user or for members of the protected group/OU.
bool | ExceptWorkstations [get, set] |
int | ExceptWorkstationsNew [get, set] |
| I_ENABLED: any workstation is allowed except workstations listed in Computers, IpRanges or OuRestrictions. I_DISABLED: only workstations in Computers, IpRanges or OuRestrictions are allowed.
Workstations | Computers [get, set] |
| List of allowed or denied workstations depending on the property ExceptWorkstationsNew
int | ComputerCount [get] |
| Number of workstations listed in the Computers property.
IpRanges | IpRanges [get, set] |
| Allowed or denied IP ranges depending on the property ExceptWorkstationsNew.
int | IpRangeCount [get] |
| Number of IP ranges listed in the property IpRanges.
OuRestrictions | OuRestrictions [get, set] |
| Allowed or denied organizational units depending on the property ExceptWorkstationsNew.
int | OuRestrictionsCount [get] |
| Number of organization units in OuRestrictions.
Trilean | WorkingHoursPolicyEnabled [get, set] |
| Get/set if the working hours policy should be set for the user or for members of the protected group/OU.
bool | ExceptTimeFrames [get, set] |
int | ExceptTimeFramesNew [get, set] |
| I_ENABLED: a logon is allowed any time except in the time frames listed in the TimeFrames property. I_DISABLED: a logon is never allowed except during time frames listed in the TimeFrames property.
TimeFrames | TimeFrames [get, set] |
| List of allowed or denied time frames depending on the property ExceptTimeFramesNew.
int | MaxSessionLength [get, set] |
| Maximum allowed session length in minutes. I_NOTCONFIGURED there is not session length limit.
int | MaxInactivity [get, set] |
| Maximum allowed locked time before USerLock closes the session.
ExpirationActionEnum | ExpirationAction [get, set] |
ExpirationActionEnum | ExpirationActionNew [get, set] |
| Action that UserLock will execute once a session is outside allowed logon hours. See the enum ExpirationActionEnum
int | TimeCountdown [get, set] |
| Time countdown in minutes while the notification message is displayed and before the session is closed by UserLock.
Trilean | EnabledTimeQuotas [get, set] |
| Get/set if time quotas are Not configured, enabled or disabled.
TimeQuotas | TimeQuotas [get, set] |
| List of all time quotas that should be enforced.
int | NbConcurrentGroupLogins [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent interactive sessions (workstation sessions and terminal sessions) of all members of the group or OU. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
int | NbConcurrentGroupWorkstations [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent workstation sessions of all members of the group or OU. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
int | NbConcurrentGroupTerminals [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent terminal sessions of all members of the group or OU. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
int | RasNbConcurrentGroup [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent Wi-Fi / VPN sessions of all members of the group or OU. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.
int | IisNbConcurrentGroup [get, set] |
| Maximum number of concurrent IIS sessions of all members of the group or OU. I_NOTCONFIGURED if no limit is set, I_UNLIMITED if unlimited.