UserLock API
Package List
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 1234]
 CAgentDistributionPropertiesAgent distribution properties. See the property AgentDistributionProperties of the UserLockServer class to retrieve an instance of this class and update it
 CClientRestsClient restrictions (computer names, IP ranges, OUs)
 CClientRestsEffEffective client restrictions (cannot be stored in ProtectedAccount fields because they need additional data)
 CConsumedTimeConsumed time for a specific type of session
 CCountriesEffEffective list of countries (for effective geoloc restriction)
 CCustomSessionLimitCustom limit to set a maximum number of concurrent sessions for selected types of sessions
 CCustomSessionLimitsList of custom session limits. See the class CustomSessionLimit and the property CustomSessionLimits of the ProtectedAccount class to get/set the list
 CGroupRestsEffEffective group restrictions (cannot be stored in ProtectedAccount fields because they need additional data)
 CIisSessionRepresent an IIS session
 CInteractiveSessionClass for interactive sessions: workstation sessions and terminal sessions
 CIpRangeIP range for workstation restrictions
 CIpRangesList of IP ranges for workstation restrictions
 CMachineStateState of a machine in the protected network zone. This is an element of a MachineStates list
 CMachineStatesList of machine states in the protected network zone. See the class MachineState and see the property AgentDistribution of the UserLockServer class to retrieve such a list.

See also
UserLockServer.AgentDistributionWithoutAgent, UserLockServer.AgentDistributionUnavailable
 CMessageCustomizable message
 CMessagesList of customizable messages. See the class Message
 CMinMaxSessionCount"MinMaxSessionCount" class declaration
 CMinMaxSessionCounts"MinMaxSessionCounts" class declaration
 CMinMaxSessionCountsSt"MinMaxSessionCountsSt" class declaration
 CNotificationsList of same credential notifications. Use the property SameCredNotifs of the ProtectedAccount class to get/set such a list
 COuRestrictionOrganizational unit for workstation restrictions
 COuRestrictionsList of organizational unit restrictions
 CPermissionAccess control entry for UserLock administration permissions
 CPermissionsList of UserLock administration permissions
 CProtectedAccountProtected account allowing to define logon rules for a user or a group/organizational unit of users. Most properties and methods are implemented in the base class ProtectedAccountBase
 CProtectedAccountBaseBase class for ProtectedAccount and ProtectedAccountEffective
 CProtectedAccountEffectiveEffective Protected Account is a virtual protected account (it doesn't exist in the protected accounts list) to know the effective restrictions that affect one user according with the policy defined in UserLock and the protected accounts configuration
 CProtectedAccountsList of protected accounts. See the class ProtectedAccount and see the property ProtectedAccounts of the UserLockServer class to see how to retrieve such a list
 CProtectedAccountTemporaryTemporary protected account allowing to define temporary rules for an account from a start date to an end date
 CProtectedItemBase class for items that can be protected in protected accounts
 CRasSessionClass for RAS sessions
 CReportedIisUserRepresent a user with his IIS sessions
 CReportedMachineRepresent a computer with all the sessions on it. This is an element of the property ReportedMachines of the class UserLockServer. Also see the method GetReportedMachine to get an instance for a specific computer
 CReportedMachineBaseBase class for the classe ReportedMachine
 CReportedRasUserRepresent a user with his RAS sessions
 CReportedUserRepresent a user with all his sessions. An element of the property ReportedUsers of the class UserLockServer. Also see the method GetReportedUser to get an instance for a specific user
 CReportedUserBaseBase class for the classes ReportedUser, ReportedIisUser and ReportedRasUser
 CServerPropertiesUserLock server properties
 CSessionBase class for all kind of sessions
 CSsoServerRepresent a single SSO Server
 CTimeFrameTime frame for hour restrictions
 CTimeFramesList of time frames. See the class TimeFrame
 CTimeFramesEffEffective time frame restrictions (cannot be stored in ProtectedAccount fields because they need additional data)
 CTimeQuotaTime quota for a specific period of time and for specific types of session
 CTimeQuotaCountTime quota and corresponding remaining time count for a specific user. Allows to know how much time the user has left
 CTimeQuotasList of TimeQuota. Use the property TimeQuotas of the ProtectedAccount class to get/set such a list
 CTimeQuotasCountsList of TimeQuotaCount for a user but different types of sessions. Use the property TimeQuotasCounts of the class TimeQuotaStatus to get such a list
 CTimeQuotasEffEffective time quota restrictions (cannot be stored in ProtectedAccount fields because they need additional data)
 CTimeQuotaStatusTime quota status for a specific user. List consumed time for the user and for all kind of sessions. See the class ConsumedTime and use the function GetUserQuotaStatus of the UserLockServer class to get the time quota status for a specific user. Also allows to get the effective quotas for the user
 CUserLockServerInstance of a local or remote UserLock server
 CIOperationNotifyInterface for callback classes used in ExecuteOperation
 CIOperationParamsInterface base to operation params in ExecuteOperation method
 CSendPopupParamsParameters to send popup operation
 CShutdownParamsParameters to shutdown operation
 CStatisticRepresents a statistic element
 CTaskAsyncRepresents an asynchornous task element
 CTaskAsyncResultRepresents an asynchronous task result.
 CVariablesListe de toutes les variables
 CWorkstationClass to specify a workstation restriction by client name
 CWorkstationsList of workstation restrictions by client name