UserLock Documentation
UserLock Documentation
You are here: Troubleshooting > HowToFix articles > HTF001 - Name resolution

HTF001 - Fix workstation name resolution problems

Error message

Unable to resolve the computer name [Machine Name].

How to fix

  1. Check the existence of a physical/virtual machine associated with the Active Directory machine account.
  2. The name resolution can fail if the machine has not been powered on since a while. Just turn on the target computer and wait for while before trying to deploy the agent again.
  3. A name resolution issue comes usually a from a DNS problem. Check in your DNS server if some issue are related in the Windows Event log.
    Eventually open a session on the concerned machine, launch a cmd windows with the administrative privileges, and try to force the machine to re-register itself in the DNS system through the command line:
    Ipconfig /registerdns
  4. Then try to redeploy the agent again.