UserLock Documentation
UserLock Documentation
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Get-UserLockProtectedAccount Cmdlet


Gets protected accounts.


Get-UserLockProtectedAccount [-Name <string[]>] [-Type <ProtectedAccountType[]>] [-Property <string>] [-StartDate <DateTime>] [-EndDate <DateTime>] [-UserLockServerName <string>][<CommonParameters>]


The Get-UserLockProtectedAccount cmdlet gets protected accounts. Without parameters, Get-UserLockProtectedAccount gets all of the protected accounts. You can also specify a particular protected account by its account name, specify a particular account type (user, group or OU) or get only temporary protected accounts filtering on dates of such protected accounts. Caution: PowerShell 3.0 is required.


-Name <string[]>

Specifies one or more protected accounts by account name. You can type multiple account names (separated by commas). The parameter name ("Name") is optional. For a temporary name, either enter its account name and specify StartDate and EndDate parameters, or enter here its identifier.

Required false
Position 1
Accepts pipeline input true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accepts wildcard characters false

-Type <ProtectedAccountType[]>

Specifies one or more protected accounts types. The parameter name ("Type") is optional. Possible values for this parameter include: User or 1 Group or 2 Ou or 3 To specify multiple protected account types, use a comma-separated list. The default protected account type is User,Group,Ou.

Required false
Position named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false
Default Value User,Group,Ou

-Property <string>

Specifies the name of the property to get.

Required false
Position named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-StartDate <DateTime>

Specifies the start date of temporary protected account(s). This parameter is optional.

Required false
Position named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-EndDate <DateTime>

Specifies the end date of temporary protected account(s). This parameter is optional.

Required false
Position named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false

-UserLockServerName <string>

Specifies the name of the UserLock server. The default is the localhost name.

Required false
Position named
Accepts pipeline input false
Accepts wildcard characters false
Default Value '.'


For more information about common parameters, type "Get-Help about_commonparameters".

Input Type


Return Type

ISDecisions.UserLockLibrary.ProtectedAccount, ISDecisions.UserLockLibrary.PaTmp


You can also refer to Get-UserLockProtectedAccount by its alias, "gulpa". For more information, see about_Aliases. To use Get-UserLockProtectedAccount, you must have the "Protected account" UserLock administrative access right.


Example 1

Get-UserLockProtectedAccount -Name 'Alice', 'Bob' -UserLockServerName 'MyUlSrv'

Gets the 'Alice' and 'Bob' user protected accounts through the 'MyUlSrv' UserLock server.

Example 2

Get-UserLockProtectedAccount -Type Group,Ou -UserLockServerName 'MyUlSrv' | Format-Table

Gets all group and Ou protected accounts through the 'MyUlSrv' UserLock server then display in a table.

Example 3

Get-UserLockProtectedAccount -Property AccountName

Gets the AccountName property of all protected accounts of the localhost UserLock server.

Example 4

[DateTime]$StartDate = '2014-06-01 00:00:00'
[DateTime]$EndDate = '2014-07-01 00:00:00'
nulpa MyUser -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -Force
gulpa MyUser -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate
$Id = gulpa MyUser -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -Property Identifier
gulpa $Id

Creates a temporary protected account, then gets its ID through its name and dates, then gets all its properties through its ID.

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